Buy-side FDD
Validating financial assumptions prior to entering a transaction is of utmost importance. Conducting financial due diligence helps you avoid buyer’s remorse and ensures you achieve your objectives from the deal, with no surprises.
Buy-side due diligence is targeted at companies that aim to strengthen their position through acquisitions. The due diligence process enhances the acquirer’s understanding of the target and helps reveal hidden risks and opportunities. For every deal, we ensure to identify and highlight strengths that can be built upon and weaknesses that can be improved. With our analysis, we help you possess the sufficient knowledge to negotiate a favorable price and ensure a smooth deal structure.

Sell-side FDD
“Luck favors the prepared” is a quote of high relevance for those seeking to sell their business, or part of it. Divestitures can be more complex than some acquisitions, as they can unleash opportunities to increase the overall value of the remaining business. We help by providing independent advice through rigorous diligence performed on the company. Our review will provide potential buyers and stakeholders with comfort on the business they’re getting into.
Not only will our analysis add credibility to the facts and figures provided in the offering memorandum, but we can help you identify unforeseen, yet preventable, concerns before approaching potential buyers. Addressing risks early can allow you to achieve a higher price for the deal and give you the option offixing the problem outside the glare of the public.