Feasibility studies:
At Aretas Consulting, we believe that the pathway to success begins with proper planning. Our financial feasibility study services are tailored to your project, providing you with an independent view and assessment of the viability of the presented business opportunity. Conducting a feasibility study can provide you and your lenders with the comfort required to move forward with the project. Having an independent view also aids in presenting the case to capital investors, strategic partners, authorities and shareholders. Our understanding of the market allows us to provide you with an independent view of your potential returns along with an assessment of there turns required from a project with a similar risk profile.
Market assessments:
Creating value depends not only on having the right vision and approach, but also on a deep understanding of the industry and the economic environment. Our expertise in analysing market data and translating it to market reports will give you a holistic view of the economic environment and competitive landscape in which you will operate. We can help uncover potential opportunities in untapped markets for your project to reach its full potential.

“By conducting a feasibility study & a market assessment, you will be putting the first piece of the puzzle into place. This should allow for less wasted investment in unfeasible or unwarranted projects”